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Abstract Hungary

Catalogue, 2019
16.4 × 23cm, 273 pages 

16.4 × 23cm
273 pages
Illustrations in color
German / English 

Edited by:
Sandro Droschl, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, 2019

With texts by:
Dávid Fehér, Áron Fenyvesi, Michael Wimmer, Mónika Zsikla

Graphic design:
Nik Thoenen und Maia Gusberti

Exhibition views by:
Pascal Petignat

Sternberg Press, Berlin


25.00 €

incl. shipping 


The catalog was published on the occasion of the group exhibition Abstract Hungary (6.24.20179.7.2017) and the solo exhibition Ábstract Hungary (6.19.20199.5.2019) at Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien.

This extensive publication is dedicated to the Hungary’s art scene since the 1960s, and especially of its abstract artists” and its penchant for abstraction when it comes to complex social conditions, a drive to effect change, and a resilience of analysis and representation. The abstracted visual language of Hungarian artists has been thematized by the Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in the exhibition Ábstract Hungary by Ákos Ezer, a painter who thematically processes the present-day reality in his home country. Already in the exhibition year 2017 the venue presented the group exhibition Abstract Hungary. A sweeping selection of twenty-four Hungarian artists who devoted themselves to methods of abstraction of varying dialogical nature.

Imre Bak, Sári Ember, Ákos Ezer, János Fajó, Andreas Fogarasi, Péter Tamás Halász, György Jovánovics, Tamás Kaszás, Zsófia Keresztes, Ilona Keserü Ilona, Adrian Kiss, Ádám Kokesch, Tamás Komoróczky, László Lakner, Little Warsaw, Mira Dalma Makai, Dóra Maurer, István Nádler, Márton Nemes, Péter Puklus, Klára Rudas, Gergő Szinyova, Zsolt Tibor, Ádám Ulbert, Júlia Vécsei